14th-15th Century
Presented by Matt Arndt

In the evolution of Barcelona it is impossible to overlook the fact that it has a strategically important advantage over most cites due to its proximity to the Mediterranean. This, in short, is why the shipyard has had a huge impact on the stance and importance of Barcelona and is the reason why this 750 year old building is still in existence.
This building was of pure function to the Crown of Aragon so that it could build and maintain military galilees that would sail the Mediterranean. It consisted of large barrel arches of stone that supported a wood timber roof. These large spaces were excellent work areas for the shipwrights and craftsmen of the era.At the height of this building in the 16th century there were over 2,000 workers that took 7 years to build 32 galleys.
Today this building features a full scale replica of Don Jauns galley that was made in 1970. Barcelona has a history that can be seen in this museum and it will continue to support this city into the future.