After returning home from our busy week of travels, we were right back to work on our studio projects. We continue to log long hours producing models and drawings to help push our designs further in between each critique. On Wednesday, March 11th, Tom Adamietz celebrated his 22nd Birthday. "Happy Birthday Tom!" During Rafael's Seminar on Thursday, we discussed our plans for our city instillations. These represent our primary assignment for this course, which is to create a series of ephemeral interventions in public places around Barcelona. We will be showcasing these projects at the end of the year along with everything else produced during the semester. We ended the week with a special presentation of "Little Talks" at the COAC, Architects' College of Catalonia. The speakers included Oriol Bohigas, Beatriz Colomina, Peter Cook, Hans Hollein, Chip Lord, Rafael Moneo, and JM. Prada Poole.