Friday, January 30, 2009
Switzerland, Germany & France
Wow, what a week!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Group Production
Igualada Cemetery
After class, we had our first set of guest lectures organized by a visiting British Architecture class, here to study proposed sites for their semester's project. The speaker on the first night was Beth Gali of Beth Gali Arquitectes, the owner of "The Met Room" where our studio is located. On Wednesday, we had a tour of OAB (Office of Architecture in Barcelona), a firm headed by Carlos Ferrater. Thursday's speaker was a journalist who spoke to us about Catalan history and politics. And Friday's speaker was Benedetta Tagliabue from EMBT Architects, who gave us a presentation about their work.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Barcelona Cathedral
Studio Project
Walking the city...
Our last stop of the day included visiting the "Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau" (Catalan for "Hospital of the Holy Cross and Saint Paul"). This hospital was designed by architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner and built between 1901 and 1930. A further explanation will be provided later on during our ARCH 789 seminar course, taught by Professor Stephen Wischer. During this course, each one of us will be learning the history and architecture of various buildings around the city, in order to give a thorough presentation each week and really learn about the city we are experiencing. After each one of these student presentations, a summery of the information they researched will be posted.